Notice 13th September 2007



Nearly 2 years ago we h ad started Emergency Communications warm-up training with the Civil Protection when we manned 3 Civil Protection Department ( CPD ) sites together with various vantage locations; then all went into a halt.

After several meetings with the Civil Protection wit h the help of 9h1ra Ray and the full co-operation from Mr. Mark Brincat, we will be called to supply back-up communications early in the next coming month.

Those interested to form part of the team please send me your:

· Call

· ID card number.

· Vehicle number plate.

· A list of all your ready to deploy mobile station configuration. ( rig, power, antenna for each operable band )

· Your availability on Saturdays from next Saturday 15 th to the 13 th October.

Please be aware that the Civil Protection Department has limited our team to a maximum of 20 until now. Priority will be given to those who:

· have already participated in the November 2005 activity

· are best equipped

· are most available, reliable and committed

So I will wait for your details till next Tuesday 11th via email or by hand.

Best 73

Ivan 9h1pi

M.A.R.L. Secretary.