MARL Awards

Awards issued by MARL

All individual licensed amateur radio operators, worldwide, may apply for this award. 

A completed application form has to be completed and sent as applicable, these may be downloaded from below.

Photo copies of QSL cards (only back is needed) must be submitted.  Cards should be verified.

The Name and Callsign will appear on the Award certificate.

The award certificate shall be dated and serial numbered by mode ( PHONE #001, CW #001, DIGITAL MODES #001 or MIXED #001 ).

Please mention on the application which mode you are applying for.

Your callsign must be verifiable, either on an internet database like QRZ or HamCall. Qso's after January 2000 are eligible for this Award.

Bands eligible for these awards are All Amateur Bands

A fee of €10 for EU and Outside EU should accompany the application, to cover printing and mailing expenses for each award.

Minimum information on each QSL: Full QSO details.

Cross band Qso's are NOT counted. Qso's under authorizations other than amateur radio allocations are NOT counted.

All applications should be sent by registered mail to: Malta Amateur Radio League (M.A.R.L), POBox 575, Valletta, Malta.


Mediterranean Award
All Malta Award

Please note that applications will be disregarded if the right amount of contribution is not received.
Certificate size: A4   Awards Manager: 9H1SP