From the secretary's desk.

Last update: 25th February 2007

A.G.M. Nominations & Received Amendments

Proposed Statute Amendment by 9H1LO & seconded by 9H1M:
" The HF/VHF/SHF Managers are to be elected by the committee and form a subcommittee with the I.A.R.U. liaison as general manager .

The managers should organize activities and hand in a yearly calendar and report for each AGM .

New 6.3.6 now reads : L-HF, il-VHF , u l-SHF managers ghandhom ihejju programm ta' attivitajiet fil-bidu tas-sena u jaghtu rendikont tal-hidmiet taghhom f'kull AGM.

New 6.3.6 The HF,VHF & UHF managers are to prepare a program of activities at the begriming of the year and are to submit their achievements during each AGM

The mentioned subcommittee should report to the committee via the I.A.R.U. liaison.
The committee may call upon a manager into a committee meeting should the need arise.

The managers are not to be selected by a committee vote but to be chosen by the committee upon certain criteria such as technical experience and candidates commitment and willingness."

New 6.2.1 9 now reads : Il managers ta' l-HF, il-VHF , u l-SHF ghandhom ikunu mahtura mill-kumitat skond il-kapacita' tekninka, hegga w impenn taghhom fil-kariga li jinhattru fiha.

The committee should elect the HF,VHF & UHF managers based upon their technical experience,commitment and willingness.

Committee Election Results  
9H1JT 38 votes Elected
9H1AT 36 votes Elected
9H1PI 36 votes Elected
9H1M 35 votes Elected
9H1SP 34 votes Elected
9H1ES 32 votes Elected
9H1AV 31 votes Elected
9H1LO 28 votes Elected
9H1XE 28 votes Elected
9H1ZZ 26 votes Runner-up


Ivan 9H1PI